"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take but by the moments that take our breath away."

Tuesday 24 April 2012

What are you looking at?

The gym I go to is doing some refurbishment and this week us women got to see our new look changing rooms, and quite swish they are too. New flooring, panelling on the walls, new shower cubicles, all in shades of brown and creams etc.
Whilst using them after the class this morning, one of the instructors asked us what we thought of the new look. Generally positive comments came back though one woman said she didn't like the new pictures - Zen type ones with pebbles, beaches and driftwood.
"Well, don't look at them then!" was the cheerful response from the instructor, who then went on to say that she liked the new mirrors.
I chuckled to myself at the bluntness of this reply but also though it was a great piece of advice.
How often do we focus on things that annoy us or bother us and in giving them energy, transform them into something huge? So huge that then all we can do is focus on them and this can lead us into a downward spiral of negativity.

When I first moved into my flat, I was not in a good place emotionally (and, let's be honest, physically) and hated the fact it was half way up a steep hill, a hill so steep that there are often stairs instead of streets. Every time I went anywhere it would involve either walking up hill to get there, or be uphill on the way back. I was forever moaning and grumbling to myself about it. At the time I was learning about the Law of Attraction and realised what I was doing to myself emotionally in terms of lowering my feelings and so began to look for things that I could appreciate and be grateful for.
Gradually my perspective changed, I noticed I was able to walk uphill without getting puffed and could see the benefit it was doing to my health and was grateful for that. Now when I walk around Les Pentes, as the area is called, I see and enjoy so many things such as the amazing renaissance and medievil architecture, and I regularly walk past a Roman amphitheatre on my way to work - how cool is that? I can walk through a couple of parks that keep me in touch with the seasons and nature. One even has these amazing long slides that are set into the hillside as seen in these pictures and yes, I have been on them! There are places you can stop and get amazing views of the city and, on a good day, the Alps and Mont Blanc. All in all Les Pentes are a great place to live!

So, what are you looking at?
The things your partner does that annoy you or things that they do that are great?
What are the worst bits about work or the best bits?

Once a friend of mine, who is a fantastic salsa dancer, fulfilled the ambitions of a life time and went to Cuba on holiday. When he came back all he could talk about were the things that had gone wrong or were a disappointment - being hassled in the clubs, the faults in the accommodation, the list went on and just listening to it brought my energy down and made me feel frustrated. I had to ask him what he had enjoyed about the holiday and he looked really surprised at my question.

So this week I encourage you to look at all the great things about a situation you don't like, give thanks for them and see what happens.

Tuesday 17 April 2012

Moan, moan, moan

So, what's wrong with a good moan?
A bit of a grumble about life in particular?
Let's put the world to rights over a glass of wine (or two).
It helps us feel better, right?


Yes, it does help us feel better for a short while but in the long term it keeps us in a negative, low vibrational energy and that does not help at all.

I was reminded of the power of moaning from an article I read this morning about giving up things to be happy. Point No 6 struck a chord with me as I am aware that I complain. I have got a lot better in this area but do still complain.
I used to complain a lot at work, there always was someone to moan about, be it a colleague or parent, and someone who would want to join in with the moan. Moving to France helped a lot as I could not always join in with the complaining, but now that my French is improving....
In fact the group moaning sessions are the worst, just in the same way that being among a group of positive, happy people, raises everyone's vibration, being in a group of Moaning Myrtles is going to lower everyone's energy and make them feel worse.

We all know someone who complains all the time about everything - not enough sleep, the queue in the shop, their boss is awful, the weather's too hot, they have a headache, their partner doesn't help them, the weather's too cold, no one listens to them....
Do you really want to be that person?
Yes, sometimes complaining will bring you sympathy and support, but again, this can keep you stuck in a lower vibration and keep you there longer.
Is that what you want? Because I don't!

So, who wants to join me in looking for the positive? Catching ourselves when we're about to complain and deciding to change the thoughts. There is a simple process called 'pivoting' where you literally turn your thoughts to the opposite...
If it is about someone's behaviour - think about and praise what they do well instead.
If it is about the weather - remember the sunny days, or be thankful that the drought is over and there is an abundant supply of water.
If it over bills and the cost of living - give thanks for the warm and comfortable home you have.
Get creative about about the things that you can be thankful for.

If you find yourself in a situation where you feel that there is nothing to be positive about, then try thinking about something else completely different instead and use that to lift your thoughts and so your vibration. How about an upcoming holiday, party, trip to visit friends, anything to take you away from complaining and negative feelings.
I will really be working on this area week and will let you know how it goes!

Give it a go and see what happens!

Thursday 5 April 2012

Ice Cream Sundae

Although most of us would love to think of ourselves as spontaneous and free spirited, the reality is that much of what we do is routine and habit. It provides a sense of security and comfort, just as a child likes to have a specific toy to sleep with, we feel better having a certain type of coffee, or sticking to one or two flavours of ice cream.

The French love their ice cream shops and now that the sun is starting to be a more regular occurrence and the temperatures are reaching mid 20's (I think 75°f) these shops are beginning to open and tables and chairs are appearing on pavements.

They tend to have impressive menus, check out this local one for choices and they all look delicious, an amazing display of colours and flavours ranging from a pale and creamy looking vanilla to a bright blue one intriguingly called schtroumpfs (the French for Smurfs), all there to tempt me. Part of me wants to be a small child again and press my nose up against the glass of the display cabinets and try a little bit of every single one. Then when it comes to ordering something strange seems to happen and I go for a scoop of vanilla and a scoop of caramel. Every single time.

I do this because I know that I will enjoy those two flavours and will come away having had a 'nice' ice cream experience.

Then I think about all those other flavours I am missing out on trying, would I like those too? Would another flavour combination be even better? I need to step out of my ice cream comfort zone and try new flavours, have fun with them and see what works. Maybe a spéculoos (ginger biscuit) and violet combination would blow my mind - if not my taste buds...

How often in the bigger choices of life are we like this, going for the safer option as we know that it will be 'nice' experience. We need to step out of our comfort zones and try new things.
Even small things such as going to see a different genre of film, buying a book from a new author, trying a different class at the gym or even using a different route on the way home from work. These can all help make your day more interesting and varied and open you to new things.
How about a new holiday destination, or type of holiday? Taking up a new hobby? It doesn't have to be rock climbing or bungee jumping, just something that is new to you.

The world is an amazing place full of different colours and flavours, let's go out there and taste it!

P.S. Smurfs apparently taste like Haribo sweets.