"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take but by the moments that take our breath away."

Tuesday 8 May 2012

The things I do to myself!

Years ago I used to be quite fit, I went to the gym regularly, cycled to work, ate relatively well. This was all brought about by a diagnosis of diabetes. It came as quite a shock. I'd been feeling run down and and lethargic all the time and constantly had colds etc (which I blamed on work). I eventually went to the doctors and had some blood tests and was informed about the diabetes.

The diabetic doctor told me to see what lifestyle changes I could make first and see what affect these would have on my blood sugar levels before she would put me on medication and made an appointment for 3 months later. I meet with a dietitian and realized that though my diet wasn't bad, it wasn't brilliant. 

Once I had got over the shock, I realised it was the kick I needed to get me into action. My mind went straight into worse case scenario and I did not want a limb amputated, thank you very much!

Bit by bit I changed things. I joined a gym and tried the yoga and Pilates classes (aerobics was a bit too energetic) changed the foods I was eating and looked up a lot of information!
Those small changes made a difference and at the next medical the doctor was pleased with the results and told me to carry on without medication and sent me on my way.

As I became more confident in the gym I tried more energetic classes (though I was determined not to be a gym bunny), started Weightwatchers and even learnt salsa and Ceroc. I was the superstar of the Dr's surgery and was in competition with my GP (who did silly things like run marathons) over who had the lowest cholesterol levels.

Then I moved abroad and fell back into old habits, I would occasionally jog, swim or cycle but nothing too much - little by little my health got worse, I was plagued by colds and flu, felt run down and tired. Blood tests showed my blood sugars were fine and so no warning bells went and I bumbled along, gradually putting on weight and feeling tired all the time.

Then I got heel spurs. Boy, do they look cute on the x-ray and boy, were they painful. Every step was agony and I had special insoles which were really uncomfortable. I stopped any pretence of exercise.

Then last Spring - deep into my learning about the Law of Attraction I thought 'What am I doing to myself?'

I did not want to be ill all the time and the more I focused on feeling unwell, the worse I felt. I decided to change my mindset. Fortunately as I had been fit before, I knew how good it felt and knew that's where I wanted to be.

I started doing Zumba and enjoyed it so much that it inspired me to join a gym again. It was interesting doing the classes in French and I gradually built it up to 3 or 4 times a week (though I still don't see myself as a gym bunny!) I was eating quite healthily but have taken a good, long look at my portion sizes and the weight is coming off.
What has been great is how quickly I am returning to my fitness levels. It is like my body has remembered it all and my flexibility and suppleness are nearly back to their former levels. My feet no longer hurt and I  have got used to the insoles. At the beginning going to the gym was a chore but now I look forward to it. I was hardly ill at all this winter, which has been the most noticable difference.

One of the gym instructors gets us to say thank you to our bodies at the end of each class, it is quite a small thing, but I find it quite sweet and I have a lot to be thankful to my body for and I mean to continue to treat it well.
Are you focusing on your health or your ill health? Do you believe you have the power to change it? I hope you do!


  1. It is wonderful that are bodies have muscle memory. Sometimes people give up feeling they have "lost it" when all they have to do is jump right back in again. The hardest part is getting started again, so you just have to do it. I was a gymnast when I was a girl, so I also love the photo you posted with your blog post.

    1. Thank you for your comment, aren't the human bodies amazing!
      I love that pose too and recently remastered it. When I first learnt it, it took me ages to 'get' it, this time round only about 4 sessions! I was so pleased.

  2. Taking care of your body, reclaiming the temple, and treating it with love, honor, and respect. Such a brilliant perspective, yet so few of us actually do it. This is a great reminder to prioritize, think through my choices, and remember each decision I make reflects the value I put on myself. Well said my dear friend.
